Local Expertise. Global Impact.
InterVal is expanding globally, and we are seeking strategic local partners to help us adapt, distribute, and support our products and services ekey markets. If your region has an active Property Valuation community and at least 200 potential users, WE WANT TO COLLABORATE WITH YOU to modernize and streamline property valuation practices.
Help build country specific modules for InterVal’s platform in order to meet local regulatory and compliance requirements. Assist with translation and language support were applicable.
Drive regional marketing efforts, manage client relationships, and distribute the solution within your network. We can offer exclusivity and generous incentives to partners who can deliver compelling results.
Deliver onboarding, training sessions, and continuous support to local users, preferably in the local language.
Act as a supplier of conduit of localized market data to enhance valuation accuracy and insights.
Valuation Professional Organisations that can align InterVal with local valuation standards.
Local firms with a track record of industry excellence and industry leadership.
Technology firms with an established property-sector client base looking to expand their offerings.
Companies specializing in real estate data that can integrate localized comparables into the platform.
Be at the forefront of modernizing property valuation in your region.
Benefit from distributing a globally recognized solution while offering localized services.
Position your organization as a pioneer in driving valuation compliance and efficiency.
Ensure your market meets the minimum requirement of 200 potential users and Get in Touch to explore how we can collaborate to transform property valuation in your region.
Join hundreds of valuers transforming their workflows with InterVal. Whether you’re looking for faster turnaround times, perfect compliance, or seamless reporting, we’ve got you covered. Start for free or schedule a personalized demo today.